The 研究生院
圣何塞州立大学 offers over 120 graduate programs and countless opportunities to advance research, scholarship 创造性活动 in your field of study.
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M.A. Teaching, Critical Bilingual 教育 Graduate on Becoming a Bilingual Educator
We had the opportunity to get to know Alondra Aguilar and chat about her educational journey and the importance of her bilingual degree.
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In 1924, San José State students adopted Spartans as the official university mascot and identity, recognizing the legacy of social progress established by previous generations of educators, innovators and pi一个ers at 华盛顿广场一号. 帮助填写时间轴 用你斯巴达式的记忆力!
Fernanda Renteria-Gonzalez and David Salinas graduated from the M.A. 咨询和 Guidance program only ten weeks after having their first child, Violeta.
菠菜网lol正规平台 & 研讨会
Instagram & Facebook: @sjsugradstudies and on LinkedIn: 研究生院, 圣何塞州立大学.